Clinica Cloe Blog

Association between periodontitis and severity of Covid-19

Written by Dr. Víctor Begara Medina | 09/04/21 16:22

A study was published recently in the "Journal of Clinical Periodontology", that reveals the relation between periodontitis and Covid-19.

This study was made between March and July 2020 and explains that patients suffering from periodontitis could be 9 times more likely to die if they suffer from Covid-19. In addition, they are 4 times more likely to need assisted ventilation and 3 times more likely to enter an ICU.

Thus, periodontitis or pyorrhea, worsens the prognosis of Covid-19.

What is periodontitis and how to cure it?

We want to explain in this blog post What is periodontitis, and what many patients ask us if it has a cure.

It is a serious infection of the gums that affects their condition and destroys the bone tissue that pr

otects and supports the teeth.

Given that the oral cavity is one of the first interfaces between the exterior and the body, it is considered that there is a high potential that this route of colonization and viral infection is decisive for the appearance of COVID-19.

Regarding the cure, if the periodontitis is not advanced, the treatment is not so invasive.

Here, some phases of the treatment:

  1. Scraping: removes bacteria and tartar from the surface of the teeth and under the gums.
  2. Root smoothing: on the surfaces of the roots, which weakens most of the plaque and bacteria.
  3. Antibiotics: it helps to control the bacterial infection. The topic antibiotics might be in the form of gel or mouthwash. The oral antibiotics could be oral tablet or capsule.

If inflammation persists and the disease is advanced, we may recommend a surgical procedure. Here, some phases of the treatment:

  1. Surgery: also called flap surgery, and the main procedure is to clean and scraping deposits under your gums.
  2. Soft tissue graft: once you have lost the gum tissue, the gum line retracts. In that case, it is necessary to remove a piece of tissue from the palate and place in the affected site. This will help to cover the exposed gums.
  3. Bone graft: when you have lost any bone, there is a procedure called bone grafting, like flap surgery, that helps to regenerate the lost bone.
  4. Proteins: which stimulate the tissues. It consists of placing a gel that contains the same proteins that exist in the enamel of developing teeth, in this way it stimulates the growth of bone and tissues.

What are the symptoms of periodontitis?

More common symptoms:

  • Inflamed and swollen gums
  • Bad breath
  • Red or purple gums
  • Pain when chewing
  • Bleeding when brushing teeth
  • Pus between teeth and gums
  • Loss or loose teeth

What causes periodontitis?

There are certain factors that causes and accelerate periodontitis, and put you in a higher risk, including:  

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Do not carry out regular check-ups with your dentist
  • Smoking
  • Genetics
  • Diabetes or obesity

In summary, there is no cure for serious gum or periodontal disease, but it is important to prevent and control it. That is why we want to give you these tips to prevent and combat this disease:

It is important to be aware if you have any symptoms and take precautionary measures to avoid this disease. If you suspect that you have any symptoms of periodontitis, do not hesitate to make an appointment with your dentist soon.

At Clinica Cloe, we help you solve all your dental health questions. You can call us or book your appointment at 91 371 7919 or our WhatsApp 606 83 12 21. We will be happy to answer all your questions.

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